Press and project videos for Left Coast EV and Gadget

EV 101 Different approaches to EV conversions

EV 101 Possibilities for range

Watch 6 episodes of Reverend Gadget’s Garage on Earth X TV.

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Reverend Gadget’s Art Car: Fully Electric Vehicle Conversion

Is your dream car next?

Revenge of the Electric Car (2011) – Official Trailer [HD]

Director Chris Paine takes his film crew behind the closed doors of Nissan, GM, and the Silicon Valley start-up Tesla Motors to chronicle the story of the global resurgence of electric cars.

Ahead of the curve in EV conversions! Check out this Spitfire converted to EV
way back in 2007 by Gadget

L.A. inventor Rev Gadget turns any gas powered vehicle into a fully electric vehicle.